
Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which is quite common these days.

norm and inflammation of the prostate gland

The prostate gland is a male organ and therefore the disease is also purely male.

Why is a prostate needed? The prostate gland is responsible for the following functions:

  • produces a liquid part of the sperm with the muscles of the neck of the bladder;
  • produces an internal sphincter;
  • forms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

The prostate gland or simply the prostate is located under the bladder, the urethra passes through the prostate and therefore the prostate is located around the urinary tube. And since the prostate enlarges during inflammation, it compresses the urinary canal and makes urination difficult. Men over forty years of age very often suffer from prostatitis, this is a consequence of the malfunction of the genitourinary system.

Factors that provoke the development of prostatitis:

  • hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • consumption of alcohol and tobacco;
  • trauma and hormonal disorders;
  • sedentary work;
  • urinary retention.

Prostatitis is divided into several types:

  1. Acute bacterial prostatitis - occurs during damage to prostate tissues with Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, etc.
  2. A large number of these bacteria are representatives of a healthy microflora and live on our skin and in the stomach, but by penetrating the tissues of the prostate, they cause inflammation. The main symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis are nausea and pain in the groin and lower back, frequent trips to the bathroom and painful urination, intoxication of the body and decreased quality of erection, signs of blood in the urine.
  3. Chronic bacterial prostatitis: occurs due to lesions of the genitourinary system or the presence of infections in organs.
  4. The symptoms of chronic prostatitis are manifested as pain during urinary excretion and frequent urgency, discomfort in the groin, presence of blood in the semen, increase in body temperature of 0. 5 to 1 degrees Celsius.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis occurs due to lifting of heavy objects with a full bladder, as a result, urine enters the prostate, spasms of the pelvic muscles, and therefore increased pressure on the prostate, injury. Symptoms are also painful urination, and only with laboratory tests can an infectious difference be detected.

Chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis is a dangerous disease that, unlike prostatitis, carries a lot of unclear questions. What is chronic prostatitis? Chronic prostatitis is the presence of inflammation in the prostate gland, which is characterized by a series of changes in the tissues and functional disorders of the prostate, the activity of the male reproductive system. Chronic prostatitis is among the first diseases of the male reproductive system. The classification of chronic prostatitis is divided into several subspecies:

  • acute bacterial prostatitis;
  • chronic bacterial prostatitis;
  • chronic abacterial prostatitis;
  • inflammatory prostatitis with increased leukocytes in the secretions of the prostate;
  • non-inflammatory process without increased leukocytes;
  • inflammation of the prostate without symptoms, which is detected at random.

An infection caused by neurovegetative disorders causes and causes the development of chronic prostatitis. Hemodynamic disorders cause a decrease in immunity through autoimmune and biochemical processes. Factors in the development of chronic prostatitis are lifestyle characteristics that cause infection of the genitourinary system, frequent hypothermia and sedentary work, irregular sex life or the constant presence of a urethral catheter are also dangerous. Also important and dangerous causative agents of the disease will be disorders of the immune system, cytokines, bacteria of low molecular weight polypeptide nature, affecting the functional activity of immune cells.

One of the main reasons for the development of non-inflammatory forms of chronic prostatitis is pelvic floor dysfunction.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis

Signs Chronic prostatitis are pain and discomfort, urination dysfunction, and sexual dysfunctions. The presence of pain in the pelvic region, perineum and groin. Pain is often seen in the anus and scrotum. Sex life is interrupted and libido also decreases, but these signs are not seen in all patients. Chronic prostatitis is interchangeable in nature, the symptoms worsen and then subside. In general, the symptoms of chronic prostatitis are similar to the stages of the inflammatory process. Pain in the scrotum and groin is characteristic of the exudative stage, as well as frequent urination, accelerated semen eruption, and painful erections. The alternative stage is characterized by pain in the suprapubic part, normal urination and with the accelerated eruption of semen, no pain is observed during erections. In the proliferative stage, we can also see increased urination and the ejaculation process is slightly delayed. In the stage of sclerosis of the prostate, in addition to scarring changes, the patient has pain in the suprapubic part, frequent urination, and the ejaculation of semen slows down or is completely absent. It should also be borne in mind that the stages and disorders described above do not always appear and not for everyone.

To diagnose chronic prostatitis, since very often the disease is asymptomatic, a series of tests and laboratory analyzes will help. The tests are also important to help the doctor identify the intensity of symptoms, pain, and urinary disorders. The laboratory examinationof chronic prostatitis helps to diagnose chronic prostatitis and possible infection of the prostate with atypical bacterial and fungal flora and viruses. If there is no bacterial growth in the secretions of the prostate with an increased number of leukocytes, it is necessary to test for chlamydia. Microscopic examination helps reveal the amount of leukocytes and mucus, Trichomonas, and epithelium in the discharge from the urethra. The secret obtained after massage of the prostate is taken for a bacteriological examination and, based on its results, the nature of the disease is determined. It is also important to conduct an immunological study, the results of which help determine the stage of the disease and monitor the effect of treatment. The instrumental study of chronic prostatitis helps to determine the stage and form of the disease with further observation during the course of treatment. Ultrasound examination allows to study the size and volume of the prostate, the structure of the cyst and sclerotic changes in the organ, the degree of expansion and the density of the contents of the seminal vesicles. Muscle and pelvic floor myography, as well as information on suspected neurogenic urinary disorders. An X-ray study is carried out to clarify the cause of the onset and the course of further treatment of chronic prostatitis. Computed tomography of the pelvic organs is performed to exclude pathological changes in the spine and pelvic organs. Diagnosis as a way to exclude a disease that is not suitable for symptoms helps to establish the nature of the pathological process: with inflamed processes in other organs; with diseases of the rectum; with sexual dysfunctions; with neuropsychiatric disorders, eg depression or reflex sympathetic dystrophy.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

Treatment of chronic prostatitis must be consistent and comprehensive. First of all, it is necessary to change the patient's habitual way of life and thinking. Also eliminate the influence of harmful factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, hypothermia. Therefore, we stop the further development of the disease and soon bring about recovery. Even in the preparatory stage for treatment, adherence to the diet and the establishment of a sexual life play an important role. The next main course in the treatment of the disease is the use of drugs. Such a correct approach to the treatment of chronic prostatitis will help not only fight the disease, but also increase the effectiveness of treatment at each stage of the development of prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis generally does not require hospitalization, but in severe cases of chronic prostatitis, inpatient treatment is more beneficial and more effective than outpatient treatment. Drug treatment leads to the establishment of good blood circulation in the pelvic organs, brings hormones and the immune system to normal levels. In such cases, antibacterial and immunomodulatory drugs, vasodilators and prostate massage are used. The use of antibacterial drugs is the basis for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. But, sadly, the effectiveness of this therapy has been proven, but not for all types of prostatitis. In chronic bacterial prostatitis, antibacterial treatment is effective, in chronic abacterial prostatitis, an empirical antibacterial course of treatment is used.

At the moment, local physical treatment is very important. Physiotherapy with laser, mud, and electrophoresis is considered the most effective. Electromagnetic radiation is based on an anti-congestive and bacteriostatic action. Low energy laser therapy stimulates microcirculation in the prostate tissues and laser therapy also has a biostimulating effect. In the absence of contraindications, therapeutic prostate massage is used.

Surgical intervention is increasingly used in the treatment of prostatitis, as the disease affects more and more young men. An indication for surgery may be sclerosis of the seminal tubercle; these patients often consult a physician with signs of lack of sexual sensations and ejaculation. In such cases, resection of the seminal tubercle is performed. Also, surgery is used for sclerosis of the bladder and prostate.

Symptoms of prostatitis.

Very often, men with prostatitis complain of fever and increased body temperature, even if the temperature measured under the arm is normal, very often the temperature in the anus will be elevated. Pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, perineum, anus and scrotum also serve as a signal to go to the doctor. Even more frequent when urinating, there are cramps and a burning sensation when urinating. There is a deterioration of the general condition, weakness, pain in muscles and bones, severe headaches.

With inflammation of the prostate gland in men, urination is difficult, which is often accompanied by urinary retention. Constipation, which occurs due to compression of the rectum by an enlarged gland, is a feature of the disease.

Treatment of prostatitis

Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is accurate. The minimum manipulations to be performed are the measurement of the temperature in the anus, the diagnosis and palpation of the inguinal perineum of the lymph nodes, a general clinical blood test and a general urinalysis will also be required. You will also need to take swabs from the urethra and bacterioscopy of urine and sediments. In addition, a transrectal ultrasound of the prostate gland is performed.

In the anus, the temperature generally rises and differs from the temperature of the mouse modes by about one degree. In urinalysis, the indicator for the number of leukocytes is exceeded. In the blood tests some changes are also highlighted, for example, the number of eosinophils decreases and neutrophilic leukocytosis appears. In immunosuppressed patients, sepsis is often seen with complications of prostatitis.

On palpation of the perineum, the patient experiences pain, the patient has an increase in inguinal lymph nodes. The prostate gland is enlarged on palpation, swollen and warm to the touch, and sometimes with heterogeneous inflammatory seals. If the prostate is inflamed, a biopsy is not done and it can spread the infection even further.

The treatment of prostatitis consists of the use of antibiotics against the microorganisms that are the causative agents of this disease. Antipyretic drugs are also prescribed to lower body temperature and the use of emollient laxatives to facilitate bowel movements. The patient is prescribed a course of massage, which consists of squeezing the inflamed discharge with the fingers, squeezing it into the ducts, and finally into the urethra. Prostate massage improves blood circulation and has a good effect on prostate muscle tone.

Prevention of prostatitis

First of all, for the prevention of prostatitis, you need to limit yourself to food and apply a special diet. You should include in the diet foods such as parsley, asparagus, strawberries, and if you like pasta, etc. , then they must be hard varieties. You should also exclude bad habits and alcohol, spicy foods. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is very important to exclude sexual life.

For the prevention of prostatitis, it is necessary to exclude all risk factors for its occurrence, namely: observe proper nutrition, exclude bad habits and have a regular sex life, as this does not allow sperm to accumulate. Every young man should know that promiscuity in sexual relations is bad for the prostate gland. An active sex life increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Use birth control anyway. Check your bowels and go to the bathroom regularly. Another important point is work: if you are connected with a sedentary form, then you need physical activity, jogging will also be useful, swimming and playing tennis. Also, do not forget about daily walks in the fresh air, this is very beneficial for the whole body. Hypothermia negatively affects the immune system and it is at this point that the infection progresses. It must be examined by a urologist, even if there are no prerequisites for it.

Prompt treatment of any urogenital infection will help eliminate the cause of the development of prostatitis.

Folk remedies for the prevention of prostatitis are also popular, based on them, recipes such as the inclusion in the diet of honey, walnuts and dried fruits, which are rich in vitamins and minerals, are distinguished. Pumpkin seeds and onions, oats and shellfish, liver and apples are rich in zinc and therefore have a special and important value and great benefits for the prostate gland. Add to the tips above: Empty your stomach completely and avoid constipation. This will help products like kefir, vegetable oil, and vegetable fiber. Separately, it is necessary to mention the benefits of exercises for intimate muscles.

Exercises for the prevention of prostatitis are easy and do not require special adaptation, they can be performed anytime, anywhere. Here is an example of some of them: perform the perineum movements as if you were pulling the rectum; tighten the muscles of the perineum, trying to stop urination, keep them in this position as long as possible; While lying down, lift your pelvis and hold it for twenty to thirty seconds, repeat these movements until you feel pain and fatigue in the buttocks. Simple exercises will only be an advantage for your body.